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Great Falls, Montana Ushers In a New Age of Transparency with Integrated Technology


Great Falls, Montana


Great Falls, Montana seal


The need for greater transparency


Implement an integrated municipal website and Municode Codification and our Agenda & Meetings Management software


Increased functionality, engagement, and features dedicated to transparency

Before partnering with CivicPlus­® (formerly Municode), Great Falls, Montana, needed to find ways to increase its transparency for residents. The digital optimization process started with its municipal website, which was outdated in appearance and structure. The scrolling homepage and unorganized links left users endlessly clicking and scrolling to find important information. Also, on the website, the City wanted its code of ordinances to be online and available in an accessible and searchable platform. Its leaders needed to find a better way to create agendas and minutes for meetings on the staff’s end. It found a solution in an integrated technology stack.

Fact Sheet

Discover the Power of Integrating Municipal Code Data Within Your Systems

After Partnering with CivicPlus

Great Falls first implemented a CivicPlus Municipal Website in 2017 and then added an Agenda and Meeting Management solution and CivicPlus’ Online Code Hosting tool to its traditional codification services. This integrated technology solution created one unified offering that reaches a new level of transparency. For example, when drafting legislation during a meeting, the staff at Great Falls can make changes to the code and move it directly to the landing page of the code platform. Changes will then be included with any other previous changes made.

Meeting minutes may also be published directly on the website after the meeting is over. One of the biggest transparent features for the City’s community is the search integration between its website and online code. The website itself acts as a hub for the code, meeting agendas and minutes, and other civic information. With the non-scrolling homepage, mega menu, search bar, and quick links, users can swiftly locate the information they need. The website, online code, and agenda and meeting management solution can be accessed on mobile devices, ensuring residents have access at any time and from anywhere. By utilizing the unifying features of the CivicPlus Civic Experience Platform, Great Falls has transformed local government transparency.

Take a Self-Guided Demo of our Municipal Website Solution

See how you can start engaging your residents with our content management system (CMS), today.