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Records Requests and Social Media Archiving for Higher Ed

Reduce busywork, increase responsiveness, and stay compliant using software that’s built for public institutions

Meet Community Expectations

As a public institution, you answer to the public. That means quickly delivering on requests for public records, social media exchanges, or other documentation. CivicPlus® NextRequest and Social Media Archiving solutions help you track and process those requests efficiently, ensuring transparency and responsiveness.

15.4M+ documents managed and tracked in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

90% of all social media records are captured within 30 seconds of posting.

500M+ social media records archived for customers across the country.

Key Challenges

As part of the mission to be a valued, responsive community asset while safeguarding limited resources, higher education institutions continually work to manage these challenges.

Responding Efficiently to Records Requests

Limited resources and staff time make it tough to turn around records requests quickly, especially in times of high demand.

Tracking Records Requests

If a request falls through the cracks, you risk losing public trust and bogging down staff time in an effort to regroup and get it back on track.

Social Media Retention

It’s crucial to preserve social media content in an organized, trackable way to both comply with open-records regulations and support your institution during litigation.

Resource Pressures

Social media archiving sometimes falls to the wayside when other pressing priorities require staff time and energy.

Compliance Concerns

Sometimes there’s a nagging worry about adequately adhering to regulatory details on records and social media archive integrity, retention, and timelines for sharing.

Maintaining Transparency

Constituents expect timely responses any time they have questions, request records, or engage over social media.

Records and Social Media Management Solutions for Higher Ed

Free up staff time to have more meaningful interactions with students and the public by using CivicPlus solutions to handle traditionally time-consuming manual tasks.

Respond to Records Requests Faster

No matter how big or varied the flurry of public records requests you’re fielding, NextRequest records request management software streamlines how you accept, route, track, and respond to them.

Archive Social Media for Compliance and Transparency

Comply with open-records laws and save staff resources by automating the process to capture and archive social media records from accounts across your institution, including deleted, edited, and hidden posts and comments. For even greater transparency, you can connect your social accounts to a public central repository.

See How We’ve Helped Higher Education Institutions Succeed