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Streamline Your Agenda and Meeting Management Process

CivicPlus® provides an end-to-end solution that enables municipal clerks to easily manage agendas, minutes, and public meetings, while providing the public with unparalleled transparency and access to the meeting process.

Our Team of Former Municipal Clerks and Dedicated Specialists Listen to the Challenges You Face

Are you able to automate your agenda creation, minute taking, and live meeting management processes?

Have you experienced difficulty collaborating with your team before, during, and after public meetings?

Are you complying with OMA standards and the public’s need to access public records?

Woman with curly hair holding a laptop in one hand, and a coffee cup in another

Is your current software solution listening to and solving your problems?

Are you able to stream your meetings live via video?

Are you getting quality customer support when you need it?

A woman wearing glasses working on her tablet

Integrated Solutions So You Can Govern, Serve, and Operate Efficiently

CivicPlus is the only local government provider with an integrated codification, agenda and meeting management, and municipal website solution offering.

Learn About our Software Solutions for Clerks

What You Can Do with All-Encompassing Agenda and Meeting Management Software for Government

  • A woman holding a phone and a coffee cup

    Save Countless Hours

    Automate manual tasks with full control and reduce the time spent creating agendas from days to minutes.

  • Woman happily working on her laptop

    Foster Engagement

    Centralize experiences for residents while improving cross-departmental collaboration for staff.

  • Man smiling and looking at a tablet

    Build Resident Trust

    Feel confident in serving your community with always-on software and award-winning support.

Key Features to Make Your Agenda and Meeting Management System Effortless


Agenda Creation and Collaboration

Save time with flexible agenda item entry options, changeable custom templates, attachment uploading, and automated workflows.


Integrated Website and Codification

Connect your codification, agendas and meetings with your website processes. Experience the only end-to-end solution of its kind on the market.


Enhanced Minute Taking and Management

Move from the agenda to the meeting manager feature with a single click. Quickly record roll calls, discussion, speakers, votes, and motions.


Personal and Secure Board Portal

Give officials a personal, secure location to review and take notes on meeting content, and keep them in sync with in-meeting cues and electronic voting.


Live Streaming and On-Demand Video

Share live and on-demand videos of meetings inside your public portal. Closed captioning available to ensure equitable access per ADA standards.


Public-Facing Portal and Streamlined Publishing

Automatically publish your meeting content in a public-facing portal with an accessible, customized, and mobile-friendly interface.

A Scalable Agenda and Meeting Management Solution Tailored to Your Needs

CivicPlus has everything you need to streamline your agenda and meeting management processes online. Offering both a simple and robust solution and the option to add integrated modules, our scalable, cloud-based software for local government is available at a cost tailored to meet the size of your budget and community.


CivicPlus serves 4,200 clerk customers in municipalities of all sizes


Customers report at least a 50% decrease in manual agenda creation time


99.99% uptime with an always-on solution

Successful Implementations of Government Agenda Software

Our solutions scale to meet the needs of all communities from small rural counties to large metropolitan cities.

Agenda and Meeting Management for Clerks


Allow clerks and staff to easily manage agendas, minutes and live meetings.


Foster positive public engagement through on-demand digital access to meetings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the CivicPlus Agenda and Meeting Management Select tool formerly known as CivicClerk?

Yes. The software formerly known as CivicClerk is now our Select Agenda and Meeting Management solution. You will start to see branding changes in our product marketing, customer support materials, and within our software.

Has the Municode Meetings solution been rebranded as CivicPlus Agenda and Meeting Management Essential?

Yes. The solution formerly known as Municode Meetings is now our Essential Agenda and Meeting Management software. You will start to see branding changes in our product marketing, customer support materials, and within our software.

Does CivicPlus have two Agenda and Meeting Management systems for customers to consider?

Yes. With our acquisition of Municode in 2021, CivicPlus has two Agenda and Meeting Management software options for customers to consider: the Essential and the Select solutions.

What is the difference between Essential and Select Agenda and Meeting Management solutions?

CivicPlus Essential Agenda and Meeting Management solution is a great option for the do-it-all clerk. It offers a Microsoft Word-based agenda creation functionality and integration with our Online Code Hosting solution. The Select option offers enhanced functionalities and more integrations to meet the needs of clerks who need a more robust solution.

Ready to Take Control of Your Agenda and Meetings?