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# Agendas & Meetings

CivicPlus® Supports Our Clerks

The 54th Annual Professional Municipal Clerks Week is April 30 through May 6, 2023.

Authored by Civic Plus Logo


April 24, 2023
10 min

Clerks have been the historians of human existence since the dawn of record keeping.

That’s not a typo.

Before written language, civilizations relied on Remembrancers to commit current events to memory. From cave art to stone tablets, humanity has always needed to retain and pass on information. Today, clerks worldwide are recognized for their significant contributions to society. In the United States, Canada, and 15 other countries, we celebrate the 54th Annual Professional Municipal Clerks Week from April 30 through May 6, 2023. Two United States Presidents, Ronald Regan and Bill Clinton, signed formal declarations acknowledging Municipal Clerks Week, and the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) has hosted this time of reflection and show of reverence for clerks since 1969.

Clerks as Pillars of Democracy

The essence of clerk work makes up the backbone of our democracy. Often considered silent workers, our clerks have sat in on influential and monumental meetings and diligently taken records. Villages, towns, cities, and municipalities would lose critical records of their history over the generations if not for the dutiful work of clerks, archivists, and minute keepers.

Recognizing Current and Former Clerks

At CivicPlus®, we have many former clerks on our team leveraging their years of knowledge to help us design our solutions and support our current clerks as they tackle the challenges of digital transformation in their communities. We are proud to work with these innovators and former community leaders.

If you’re a clerk, you understand the pressure to uphold transparent legislation and documentation, no matter the political forces that may bear down. From taxes to real estate, city records archiving is no easy feat and is vital to accurate property titles and legal disputes. All of this is made possible by the labor of clerks.

We’re here to say it aloud: As a municipal clerk, you work ridiculously hard. Whether you’re operating, serving, or governing, the CivicPlus team is committed to helping you create the most positive civic experience possible for you and your residents. We have a lineup of clerk-centered solutions, including the industry’s only fully-integrated Agenda and Meeting Management software to help support your administrative needs.

We love clerks, and it shows. In 2022 alone, CivicPlus made leaps and bounds to further our work in creating products that help local governments work more efficiently.

CivicPlus also won a Distinguished Service Award from the New York State Association of City and Village Clerks (NYSAC) in 2022. Our mission is to help empower local governments, so it was amazing to be recognized by the same clerks we strive to serve.

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Authored by Civic Plus Logo


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