Public Works Software Solutions
Public Works departments have the challenge to manage a municipality’s physical assets and personnel and oversee the delivery of vital services and infrastructure. CivicPlus technology can assist with providing solutions from back-office workflow management to direct citizen communication regarding requests and issues.
Typical Challenges for Public Works Officials
Challenge 1
I need to know the exact location of issues being reported, such as trees or power lines that are down.
SeeClickFix 311 CRM provides community members with the ability to geo-locate themselves through the app and mark the exact location of a request with ease.
The Product that can help
311 CRM Management
Challenge 2
I need a way to notify a specific location of service delays or outages such as trash delays or a water main break.
Mass Notification allows you to target specific locations with service delay or outage notifications ensuring the right people get the right information when they need it. Whether it’s a trash delay or a water main break, you can confidently keep your community informed with precise, location-based alerts.
The Product that can help
Mass Notification System

The number of families with children are steadily increasing and making a rise in our demographics,” said Amburgy. “We have learned that we need to be strategic in the methods we use to reach our younger residents. We know it’s critical that our residents be able to receive our communications on a mobile device to accommodate their lifestyles.
Challenge 3
I need a way to effectively manage permits, plan reviews, and recurring inspections across various disparate departments and stakeholders.
With Community Development software, your team can utilize integrated planning, permitting, and licensing software and foster cross-departmental collaboration within a centralized routing system down to the parcel level.
The Product that can help
Community Development

Many other software options are modules within finance software designed for building and zoning management. We wanted something designed for our needs that was more flexible.
I am appreciative of the water conservation efforts of the residents and businesses of Corona and their diligence toward helping the City achieve our water conservation goals. Together we can continue to be more water conscious and preserve this precious resource.