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Fairbanks, Alaska, Benefits from Integrated CivicPlus® Website and Online Code Hosting


Fairbanks, Alaska




City of Fairbanks, Alaska Logo


A modern digital presence and CMS to manage content


Implement a CivicPlus Municipal Website and Municode Codification


Improved ease-of-use for residents and staff

Fairbanks, Alaska, known by its motto as the “Heart of Alaska,” needed a new municipal website to match the ideal the community embraces. Before partnering with CivicPlus (formerly Municode), Fairbank’s previous website did not meet today’s modern web standards. Residents had a difficult time navigating the scrolling design and often felt overwhelmed by the many links presented simultaneously. Staff also felt the need for a modern content management system (CMS) as adding and maintaining web pages was becoming increasingly difficult. Its leaders also wanted to expand its codification services with more ways for residents to interact with the City’s code of ordinances.

Before redesigning its municipal website, Fairbanks previously partnered for over 20 years with Municde (now CivicPlus) to maintain its code of ordinances. However, the City had not yet embraced the Municode Online Code Hosting system, which meant its code of ordinances was available only as downloadable PDFs, causing staff to spend time scanning documents and residents to download individual ordinances.

Realizing the need for an improved website and code of ordinances platform, Fairbanks turned to its CivicPlus team. Now, the city has a stunning and modern website that benefits both residents and staff. Upon entering, users are greeted with rotating images of the City and wildlife as well as a custom banner that mimics the Alaskan landscape. The homepage is presented with a no-scroll design, allowing residents to quickly find what they need without feeling overwhelmed.

For staff, updating and maintaining the City website has never been easier. With a user-friendly CMS, little to no technical training is needed to create and update web pages. This convenience ensures all content remains up to date.

To further improve its website, Fairbanks added CivicPlus’ Online Code Hosting and additional premium features that provide an effective way for staff to upload code online, saving time previously spent scanning documents. Residents can also now easily navigate the code within the intuitive and searchable online platform without downloading a single document.

Premium features such as OrdBank allow staff and the public to view the entire history of the City’s code. This functionality helps staff when drafting new code to see how the ordinance has changed over time and increases transparency for residents as they know how and when something has changed.

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