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Fort Collins, Colorado, Chooses Online Code Hosting from CivicPlus®


Fort Collins, Colorado




Modern access to the City's Code of Ordinances


Enhance its relationship with its long-time codified by adding Online Code Hosting


Digital resident and staff self-service

​​​Municode (now CivicPlus) has codified Fort Collins, Colorado, code since 1985. Throughout this partnership, CivicPlus began to offer more ways for local governments to interact with their code of ordinances. For Collins’ leaders knew that if they took advantage of CivicPlus’ digital advancements in the codification space that they would receive the same excellent service from a team they could trust. So, they added Online Cost Hosting and other digital functionality to their tech stack.

With the help of CivicPlus, Fort Collins, Colorado, expanded upon its codification services to make life easier for staff and increase transparency for residents. The Code Archiving functionality keeps track of the previous code as it’s updated, allowing staff and residents to view old versions of code. Users viewing the online code can also see the changes to code as they appear with code Versioning.

Fort Collins has benefitted from the reliability and high quality of Municode Codification for over three decades, but now, with its code accessible online, staff have a more straightforward way to make changes to its code that allows residents to access it wherever they are and whenever they need it.

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