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Junction City, KS Chooses CivicPlus® for Recreation Management Software

Keys to Project:

Modern functionality, administrative efficiency, quality service


Junction City, KS



Junction City, Kansas, tucked, as its name implies, at the confluence of the Smoky Hill and Republican Rivers, embodies the ideals of Midwest values. Its 23,000 citizens have chosen Junction City as their home out of a desire to live in a safe, progressive community where neighbors know one another by name, and people take care of the place they call home.

For the administrative leaders of Junction City, providing citizens with modern conveniences and tools to conveniently engage in the community is critical. In its search for a reliable government software partner, it has found convenient, time-saving solutions for its recreation management needs from CivicPlus.

Modern Recreation Management

Jim Germann, Junction City IT Director, recalls Junction City’s first CivicPlus software implementation.

“We started with [CivicPlus’ Recreation Management System]” said German. “We were using ReCPro, and we had to house it internally. As IT staff, that meant that for anyone to get access, we had to control the firewall. When looking for a replacement product, we wanted something that would be hosted offsite to take a little pressure off our IT staff.”

German reports that since the implementation of CivicPlus’ Recreation Management system, the City’s Recreation Department has been extremely pleased with the ease of use and functional capabilities of the software.

“I don’t use it every day, but our people who use it love it,” said Germann. “For me, I know we have a good product when I don’t get many calls saying something isn’t working.”

Germann acknowledges that the software benefits the citizens of Junction City as well.

“[The CivicPlus Recreation Management software] has allowed the public to engage and be able to use our rec facilities a lot easier.”

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