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Digital Change Agent

You’re well on your way to creating optimized, contextualized, and revolutionized online experiences for your residents. The challenge you face is that you’ve hit a barrier to wide-scale adoption. Perhaps it’s budget, a newly elected official, central staff members resistant to change, or bandwidth and staff to take your efforts further.

Don’t stop believing.

Being a change agent means overcoming obstacles, resistance to change, and having a response at the ready to thwart the statement, “But that’s how we’ve always done it.” By allowing certain departments, stakeholders, and hurdles to hold you back from a fully optimized administration, you risk leaving your residents with inconsistent experiences. If your community members can download some forms and documents from only some departments online, but other forms and documents must be accessed in person from Town Hall, you’ll inadvertently frustrate and baffle them.

What you need now is to break down the barriers that stand in your way of continual progress. Whether resistance is coming in the form of system adoption, culture, budget, or data-sharing, we promise you that you can overcome your adversaries and execute your vision for a digitally optimized administration.

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Here are three steps to break down the barriers to your digital optimization roadmap:


If your roadblock is budget, read this white paper, How Smart Governments are Cutting Costs While Better Engaging Residents. If your roadblock is technology, read this blog to learn about low-cost, high-impact tech, How Low-Code Development Applications Can Eliminate Gaps in Gov Delivery.


Take what you’ve learned from the resources above and talk to your fellow stakeholders. Agree on a 30, 180, and 365-day go-forward plan.


Complete this form to request a no-obligation consultation with one of our solution strategists. Share your go-forward plan with them, and they’ll provide a custom recommendation for the impactful software functionality that will fit your needs and help you continue your digital transformation.

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