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Public Records Laws and Social Media Retention in

Alaska Public Records Act and Social Media

Alaska Statutes Title 40: Public Records and Recorders governs social media records in Alaska. They define records as any evidence of the organization, function, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities. The law defines records not by their physical form or characteristic but by their informational value. In other words, the content defines social media records in Alaska, not the medium.

Alaska Social Media Records Management in Practice

Several towns, cities, and state agencies have already implemented policies that specify the retention of social media records in Alaska to satisfy public records law. The City of Homer, Alaska, published a comprehensive guide titled “Everything you and your department need to know to go social,” which includes everything from best practices for setting up a government Facebook page to automated record retention to satisfy the Alaska Public Records Act.


Need Help Navigating Digital Records Compliance?

We have a team of specialists ready to assist you with the complexities of public records laws. Request more information from a records specialist to learn more or set up a discussion about record-keeping requirements and digital records management strategies.

Municipality of Anchorage, AK

The Municipality of Anchorage, AK, also has a policy that defines social media posts as records under the Alaska Public Record Act and states that social media use shall comply with “records retention, Municipal Public Records Act, First Amendment” and other laws.

Social Media Archiving Solution Overview

Social Media Archiving software makes it possible to maintain records compliance and manage your community’s entire social media presence. Download the solution overview to see how you can automatically retain every post, photo, comment and more from your social media pages.

eBook Comprehensive Social Media Archiving Compliance