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Twitter Archiving

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Ensure your agency’s compliance on Twitter today!

Retain and Store Records from Twitter

Keep all your organization’s tweets, retweets, replies and more safe in your archive without lifting a finger.

See Social Media Record Retention Automation in Action!

Compliant Records of Twitter Communications

Twitter helps government agencies and school districts share news updates to a wide audience quickly. Weather emergencies, traffic updates, and policy changes can be shared in brief tweets, alone or supported by links for further information.

These tweets and its replies are public record and must be archived in accordance with your state’s record retention requirements. The product’s archiving solution captures all your Twitter account’s content in near-real time, so you never have to worry about missing a record.

How it Works

Simply enter your Twitter login information from your Social Media Archiving account. Social Media Archiving then connects directly to your organization’s Twitter account through Twitter’s API, or application program interface, so our software is able to interact with theirs.

When you tweet and the replies and likes roll in, everything is automatically captured and stored in your archive in its native format with metadata.

See How The Product Works







Direct messages


Profile information


Blocked lists



Twitter Record Keeping with Social Media Archiving's Key Features


Monitoring Blocked Lists

See who has been blocked and unblocked from your Twitter account and when the actions were taken. You can also annotate the list with reasons for the block or unblock.


Archiving All Communication Types

We capture and store one-to-many content like tweets, retweets, and mentions. We’ll also save your two-way communications, including requests and direct messages.


Supporting Our Customers

Our customers love our friendly and knowledgeable Customer Experience team. They are here when you need assistance accessing your account, locating a record, and much more.

Twitter archiving is included in all Social Media Archiving plans.

A happy man standing outside a building with his phone

Twitter Remains Popular in the Public Sector

According to our annual State of Social Media survey, Twitter is the second most popular social media platform among government communicators. Want to see the full top 5?

Download the full State of Social Media report here

Ensure your agency’s compliance on Twitter today!