# Social Media Archiving
Modern Records Management for the Digital Clerk
On demand
On March 22, 2022, ArchiveSocial was honored to host a webinar with Tyrene Bada, records management specialist and longtime member of ARMA International. She discussed her experience building a records management system from scratch at Portland Community College (PCC) with our own Marcus Smith. She shared with us some of the challenges she faced and the major lessons she learned along the way.
Watch the full webinar for insights on how to:
- Engage community members and establish relationships
- Prioritize your records for processing
- Set long- and short-term goals for a job that’s never done
- Make the case for a records system change
Don’t miss these tips for making records management manageable in 2022 and beyond.
While you’re here: check out our records management for digital clerks blog post!