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# Public Safety

Calculating the ROI Of Emergency Mass Notification Technology

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Mass Notification White Paper

The main focus of emergency management services should be to prevent risk to the community, mitigate disasters as they occur, and provide clear and accurate communications to residents and staff before, during, and after an event. These main goals are a given for public safety officials, but another goal is to help stakeholders understand the quantifiable good that comes from the money and time invested into the department. It seems inopportune to have to justify the cost of tools that help prevent harm to the public, but in a time where governments need their resources to work harder and smarter, departments should be prepared to do just that.

To help prepare for those conversations and answer the question, “What specific benefits will our community get from this investment?” our mass notification experts have put together a framework to help calculate the hard and soft ROI of an emergency mass notification solution.

Fill out the form to access your outline.