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Mariposa County, California, Trusts Municode Codification from CivicPlus®


Mariposa County, California




Mariposa County Logo


The need for greater transparency and self-management of the County's code of ordinances


CivicPlus Self-Publishing Software


Easy self-management of code updates and greater resident transparency

Mariposa County, California, wanted a faster and more reliant codification service that gave them more control over updating its code of ordinances. County leaders also wanted to demonstrate greater transparency to their residents. Before partnering with CivicPlus (formerly Municode), Mariposa County would have to wait long after an ordinance or resolution passed for it to become codified. This delay left significant gaps in the staff’s workflows and left the code outdated in some instances. The County’s previous codification services were also not manageable directly by staff, giving them less jurisdiction over the County’s code of ordinances. Residents had difficulty viewing the code and all its previous versions, resulting in a gap in transparency.

Mariposa County found the solution it needed in Municode’s Self-Publishing Software. By drafting new code from pre-existing ones, the County always has an up-to-date code of ordinances. This also saves staff time and gives them more control as the code is current the next day after an ordinance or resolution passes. Older versions of code are available as well, allowing both staff and residents to access the entire history of the County’s code of ordinances. Residents also can access County code online, eliminating the need to travel to the County hall.

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