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Navigating the High Stakes of Elections for Clerks

Streamline Processes to Better Serve Your Community

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It goes without saying that elections can cause quite a community stir. Nowhere is that more apparent than among local government staff. Budgets and workforces are often limited, which means more responsibilities fall to fewer people and lead to higher stress. Chances are, especially in a presidential election year, that you and your team are dealing with high-stakes processes amid a tremendous uptick in everything from social media activity to public records requests.

We want to help you get ahead by offering solutions that eliminate manual processes to create greater efficiency.

How Can Technology Help?

Elections aren’t just one day. With the increase in activity that you experience in both the lead-up to and aftermath of Election Day, the right technology is an integral component of your local government agency’s year-round strategy for social media archiving, public records request management, and digital civic experiences.

Whether you are monitoring social media conversations, fielding public records requests, or even communicating formal announcements via your website, your government technology stack can help you save time, respond to requests faster, and maintain compliance with public records laws.

CivicPlus® Customer Success Stories

The Easy Way to Comply With Public Records Laws Year-Round

Explore CivicPlus customer success stories related to social media archiving and public records request management.

“We were interested in complying with new Public Information Act provisions. We found, after fairly extensive research, that [the CivicPlus® Social Media Archiving tool] offers a reasonably-priced model that requires no proactive steps on our part. We basically turned it on and let it run.”

– Executive Director of Houston TranStar

An Integrated Software Suite to Help

Combat the Election-Season Spike

Our individual solutions are great, but they’re even better when they’re working together as an integrated software suite. Discover why integration is critical for seamless and effective service during busy election seasons.

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