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# Public Safety

Natural Disaster Preparedness Myths Debunked for Your Residents

Share these natural disaster myths and facts with the residents in your community

Authored by Civic Plus Logo


August 21, 2018
5 min

Avalanches. Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Volcanic Eruptions. Wildfires. These are some of the many natural disasters that can happen in your community. Most people think it’s unlikely to happen to them, that there are responders and procedures in place to take care of the community in the aftermath of such catastrophes. That doesn’t negate the need to be prepared, though. Myth-thinking is what can get people hurt or worse. No matter where you live, your community is at risk of at least one type of natural disaster. At CivicPlus®, our goal is to provide comprehensive safety solutions and education to government public safety departments. Read and share these natural disaster myths and facts with your residents to help better prepare and educate them.

Let’s Debunk 5 Natural Disaster Preparedness Myths

MYTH: If there’s an emergency in our community, all I need to do is call 911 for immediate help.

FACT: A large-scale natural disaster will maximize local emergency responders and community emergency response team (CERT) resources. For example, if a winter storm knocks down a tree on your property, which cuts power to your home and damages your roof, you may be one of 15 homes in your area with a similar issue waiting for assistance. Your first line of defense in an emergency is to be prepared for any disaster and be ready to implement a home emergency response or evacuation plan.

MYTH: All I need to do is dial 911, and emergency responders will know my exact location.

FACT: This myth is one of the most prevalent misunderstandings around 911 (or another emergency number in your country) and first responders. Do your best to describe your exact location when speaking with the operator. Landlines are a bit easier for first responders to locate, but if you’re calling from a cell phone, the only discernible location marker will be the nearest cell phone tower. Even with landlines, however, responders may not be able to discern your exact location if you’re surrounded by floodwaters, felled trees, or without electricity.

MYTH: When a natural disaster happens, people tend to panic.

FACT: Despite what Hollywood and other dramatizations of the human experience may lead one to believe, most people remain calm in the face of extreme circumstances. Chalk it up to survival instincts or the amazing durability of humankind, but it’s been shown time and time again how clearly people think during a disaster. The University of Delaware’s Disaster Research Center found after 50 years of “studying scores of disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and tornadoes, one of the strongest findings is that people rarely lose control. When the ground shakes, sometimes dwellings crumble, fires rage, and people are crushed. Yet people do not run screaming through the streets in a wild attempt to escape the terror, even though they are undoubtedly feeling [extreme fear.] Earthquakes and tornadoes wreak havoc on entire communities. Yet people do not usually turn against their neighbors or suddenly forget personal ties and moral commitments. Instead, the more consistent pattern is that people bind together in the aftermath of disasters, working together to restore their physical environment and their culture to recognizable shapes.”

MYTH: Unburied bodies are a health hazard.

FACT: This myth is one of the more grime aspects of natural disasters, but still crucial to debunk. In the wake of extreme storms and flooding, lives can be lost. Even in more advanced stages of decomposition, human bodies pose little risk of significant health hazards. The only exception, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is in cases of “deaths from cholera or hemorrhagic fevers.” There are other situations where people handling the deceased can contract illness from bodily fluids or through respiratory droplets (it is widely debated in academic circles if this is how some of the bubonic plague was spread,) but in the majority of cases, it’s far more important to honor the deceased with burials appropriate to their religion, culture, and family wishes.

MYTH: People bolt in masses from a disaster scene.

FACT: Logically, it makes sense why this myth is so widely believed. If there is an immediate danger, why wouldn’t you flee? In contrast, researchers have observed something they dubbed convergence behavior, which “is the informal, spontaneous movement of people, messages, and supplies toward a major emergency incident area.” This particular study was conducted over 15 years (1998-2013) in Kenya, but can be seen occurring in other countries like the United States during the September 11th attacks in 2001. Interestingly, there are 7 identified types of people who “converge”:

  1. The Returnees, people “who were affected by the incident and decide to return to the scene for closure.”
  2. The Anxious, people who “are concerned they may know someone in the incident and may not know the person’s status.”
  3. The Helper, people “who are similar to first responders in that they go to the scene to help those requiring assistance.”
  4. The Curious, people “who want to find out what has happened.”
  5. The Exploiters, people “who are looking to make a profit from the incident.”
  6. The Mourners, people “who converge to create memorials and mourn the dead.”
  7. The Supporters, people “who are either individuals or groups who gather to encourage and express gratitude to emergency workers.”

Contrary to mass thinking and opinion, natural disasters are just one part of life facing your community. It’s crucial to stay informed and prepared for when the worst does occur. Humans usually adapt for the best when faced with the worst. Instances of natural disaster events are rising across the globe, check out to see what you can do to help communicate with and respond to your residents faster when disaster strikes.

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Authored by Civic Plus Logo


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