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Recreation Management Software Case Studies

Apache Junction Arizona

Empowering Community Growth in Apache Junction, AZ, through CivicPlus


Recreation Management

City: Apache Junction, AZ

Population: 41,153

Hunting Beach California

Riding the Wave of Efficiency: Huntington Beach’s Parks & Recreation Success with CivicPlus


Recreation Management

City: Huntington Beach, CA

Population: 198,711

CivicPlus and Carbon Valley Parks and Recreation District: A Blueprint for Community Engagement in Frederick, Colorado


Recreation Management

Town: Frederick, Colorado

Population: 67,198

Cambell Park

A Transition Toward Efficiency


Recreation Management

City: Campbell, CA

Population: 42,286

Mountains in Eastern Sierra in Nevada

Striking the Jackpot: How Las Vegas, NV, Improved Residents’ Access to Classes and Activities Online


Recreation Management

City: Las Vegas, NV

Population: 650,000+

Race Track

Race City USA Races Ahead: How CivicPlus® Is Driving Efficiency in Mooresville’s Parks and Recreation Department


Recreation Management

Town: Mooresville, North Carolina

Population: 51,594

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The Power of One; CivicPlus® Partnership Empowers Steilacoom, WA, to Innovate


Civic Experience Platform

Municipal Websites

Recreation Management

Website Accessibiity

Town: Steailacoom, WA

Population: 6,721

Laptop on a table displaying the Spartanburg County, South Carolina website

Spartanburg County Parks Benefits from Integrated CivicPlus® Solutions


Civic Experience Platform

Municipal Websites

Recreation Management

County: Spartanburg County, SC

Population: 297,302

Open laptop and a keyword with a blurred background

Lebanon, NH Enhances Civic Experiences with CivicPlus® Solution


Agenda & Meeting Management

Civic Experience Platform

Mass Notification System

Municipal Websites

Recreation Management

City: Lebanon, NH

Population: 13,623